Our adventure leads us into the unknown. We will live in a different culture, a new home, and completely by faith. Thank you for taking a moment to see how to help our financial needs. All financial support will be filtered through Vanguard Church and the Frontline Church Planting Group. All checks need to be mailed to Riverside Baptist, Attn: Jacci Jay, 2401 Alcott St., Denver, CO 80211. Please make sure your check is made out to Riverside with “NAMB Church Planting- Lowry” in the memo line. If you have questions please click here.
We are grateful for your contributions. All donations are tax deductible and will be given through Riverside Church. Please click here for more information about the specific financial needs we have.
You can set up recurring gifts by going to www.riversidedenver.com and clicking give in the upper right hand corner and then clicking give money on the following page. This will take you to Service U where you can create an account to setup a recurring gift. Select NAMB Church Planting- Lowry from the list that follows and place the amount you wish to give in the corresponding box and click on the schedule contribution button. If you have questions please click here to send us an email.
If you would like to give to help with resources please email FinancialSupport@SanfordFamily.org and let us know that you are designating your gift to provide resources to further the Gospel in Lowry.
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