It is well…

Frustrated to tell you I typed a lengthy blog post that didn’t survive being saved as a draft. Boo. Here’s the new, condensed version.
Tonight and Sunday night, we have farewell gatherings at our church…tonight with our youth and youth workers and Sunday with our entire church family. To be honest, this is the most difficult part for me! No part of me wants to say goodbye to my family or my friends. There will be tears shed for sure!! However, those mixed emotions come flooding back in. I remind myself this isn’t a final goodbye. Prayer will connect our hearts daily. Visits to Alabama will include seeing our Fairhaven family, sharing updates about church planting and bragging on God together. Technology makes the world smaller and we will connect by phone and online. Nothing makes moving “easy” on the emotions, but being joined to family and friends by an eternal bond sure makes it “easiER”! Great comfort comes in knowing we are following God’s lead into Colorado and believing He has gone before us! Even through my tears, I can say it is well with my soul!