It’s time!

It’s time! Time for what, you say? Time for God to build His Kingdom here in Lowry! You may hear me squealing, no matter how far away you live! After having a mission team on the ground with us in Denver for a week, we’ve met enough folks interested in being part of Journeymen Church and gathering for Bible study and worship and service, that it is time! Praise God that very soon, we will begin hosting a weekly shared meal and Bible study, prayer and worship time in our home. We now know a few Christians in Lowry and we know God placed us all here for His glory and to help build His Kingdom! We will likely be hosting 2 different weekly gatherings with different groups, but more on that soon!
I’m studying Galatians in my quiet time and it is rich! I’m having to digest it very slowly and really pray for it to sink deep into my heart and spirit. So far, God is continually leading me into relationship with people much different than myself. He is stretching me way out of my comfort zone and my norm. He is breaking down walls and changing my perceptions to be more like His! Oh, that our family and the people of Lowry would get past the differences, look to Christ and be lovers of all people, knowing we all need grace and mercy daily! May our home and Journeymen Church reflect Christ and believe that we are all one in Christ Jesus! Pray, folks! Please pray! The attacks of the enemy are numerous as God begins to move in this neighborhood. Pray we will run with endurance and not grow weary and that the harvest will be plentiful! Get excited with us, because it is time!!

4 thoughts on “It’s time!

  1. Sylvia Tate

    I have literally sat here and bawled my eyes out!!! With all the obstacles we met while in Colorado, this is evidence that satan was fighting a battle of his own. He knew what was at stake, and he tried everything in his power to stop the team from helping Eric and Amanda move forward! To God be the glory!!!!! It was worth it all!!!! Praising God for allowing me to be a part of their journey!!

  2. What a blessing to read your post today. I am amazed at how God has used yall diligently as well as others who have supported yall in so many ways. Even though there is still much to be done, you have the assurance that God is in control and directing you in the right direction according to His needs. I will certainly be praying for His guidance and peace and love to help you begin His church in Lowry.

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