
Death. Something we all face, but not something we often ponder or dwell on, most likely. Especially not our own death. However, I’m in deep thought about it lately. See, I stared death in the face one year ago this week, and didn’t even know it. I mean, I knew I had excruciating pain, knew I was taken to the ER in the middle of the night, even knew I was having emergency surgery, but was too medicated for pain to care why or ask any questions. It wasn’t until this summer, when I chose a new general practice doctor and he reviewed my records that I even knew my official diagnosis, “cecal bascule”. Came home and googled it and found out it has a 50-85% mortality rate! Sobering reality! I sobbed and praised God for another chance! It is no accident that I am still here and I want to use every day well, glorifying God with my every action and word!
I took the kids to a free concert last weekend, a Christian group called For King and Country. We have several of their songs memorized and enjoy the sound and message. One of them spoke about why they wrote our favorite off their first album…he had a near fatal gastric issue (possibly cecal bascule?!? I don’t know) and realized he was given a second chance at life while young. This prompted him to write this song during his recovery and it is my current life anthem, in Lowry and beyond! I pray my life is proof of Gods love, to my family, friends, neighbors, and even strangers and those more difficult to love! I pray your life is proof, too…let’s don’t waste a single day, as it can be our last!