We hosted our first neighborhood “event” last night. In our thorough research of the Lowry neighborhood before moving in, we were repeatedly shown that a planned “launch” of a service would not be the kind of church plant to “succeed” here. God shaped our philosophy for this area to one of deep, personal relationships and opening our home for social care of neighbors, as well as our corporate worship gatherings and discipleship, at least for a time. The concept of “missional community”, where we will disciple neighbors 1:1 or 2:1, host Bible study and corporate worship in our home, gather to fellowship and meet needs, and find ways to serve our neighborhood and surrounding ones as a team! Our home is our hub for now and likely for quite a while.
We were encouraged by our turnout last night. 30 townhome units were invited and 9 were represented. In our self-isolating, crazy-busy culture, this number pleased us. We met such a variety of ages, stages, and belief systems but they are all seeking “community” or they wouldn’t have come. We heard more than one neighbor say aloud how they liked being together and meeting each other, how no neighbor has ever invited other neighbors into their home, and how genuine we seem. God can and will use those impressions to build His church here.
I’m placing all my trust in Him to do it, so discouragement won’t creep in. There were broken, hurting people here last night. There were happy, kind people here last night. As far as we could tell, there were only lost and searching neighbors here last night. They came because they are willing to be known and we want to know them and love them with the love of Christ!
Pray for us as we follow up with the ones who came and try again to connect with those who didn’t. If you are praying for a street in Lowry, the group last night included neighbors from E 7th Ave and Quince. We are planning another event for April 7th to invite another set of streets close to our home, as well as working with some neighbors who came last night to plan an alley/block party for this area in the spring! If you haven’t seen a Lowry map and chosen a street to pray over but want to, let us know and we will help make that happen.
We are praying for God to “redeem the definition of ‘community’ in Lowry”. Won’t you join us?